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Our Business Plan Competition 

One of our favorite quotes here at Project Change is "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day, teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." {UNKNOWN SOURCE}  We like this quote because it simplifies the general principle of alleviating poverty, by facilitating self-sufficiency.  


The competition is intended to help activate the students' innovative mindsets. 

For our 2019 competition, the four participating schools (CKCS, DLMI, HMI, and FMCA) were asked to find a problem in their schools and formulate a solution. The winner received funding of LRD 50,000.00 from Project Change for the resolution and implementation of their respective projects.


Our 2019 winner, Christ the King Catholic School, had the best business plan. Before their initiative,  students had to leave their testing areas during their exams to purchase school supplies. The lack of school supplies caused many students to fail their exams due to lack of time or necessary stationery items. They resolved to open a mini-stationery store for students to easily purchase schools supplies, which will help save time during examinations. They are also going to establish a peer-to-peer tutoring session to help students better perform on their exams.


This project has taught us the importance of finding a resolution to our problems rather than complaining about it.

Our 2019 Winner

Christ the King Catholic School

From left to right: Trust, Bolissa, Korpo, Diana, and Cardin


Our founder, Mr. Jarbo, presenting the cash prize to the administration of the CKCS


Group photo of the Project Change Team and the Administration of the CKCS

Project Change International, Inc.

Project Change is a registered 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations in the United States are tax-deductible. EIN: 85-4143701.


United States &
Monrovia, Liberia

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...changing mindsets

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